
What is LUGOJ?

LUGOJ (pronounced luggage) is the Linux Users Group Of Jackson (Mississippi). We are an enthusiasts group that believes the Linux OS is one of the finest network operating systems that can be had at any price. We went from 6 members in summer 1998 to 108 as of November 25th 1999. We had 168 on the Lugoj mail list in May 2002 and 205 in September of the same year.

Our primary focus is on education and evangelizing this fast moving open source marvel. Never run Linux? We'll help you install it and you'll see why we like it so much. Our members currently run Linux on Intel, Alpha, Sparc and PowerPC hardware. Represented distributions include: Red Hat, Slackware, Caldera, SuSE, Mandrake, Debian, and LinuxPPC. BSD and Solaris users are well represented in our group too. Come join in, we welcome all new comers from newbie through guru. Click here to join.

LUGOJ membership costs $0.00 per year, always has, always will. Membership is essentially participation in the mailing list and meetings and is open to everyone, even MCSE's (just kidding).

LUGOJ Online started life running Red Hat 5.0 Alpha on a 166 MHz DEC Avanti in 1998, moved to Red Hat 6.2 on a Toshiba Equium 6200M SMP 180 MHz Pentium Pro on Dec. 9, 2000, and was upgraded to Red Hat 7.3 on Aug. 10, 2002.
Nov. 27, 2007: the site moved to a Dell Optiplex GX620 running Fedora Core.
Oct. 6, 2009: the site moved to Dreamhost running Debian.
Mar. 9, 2015: the site moved to AWS running Ubuntu.

Thanks to everyone that helped build the new site January 11, 2002. We had both new users and veterans participate, and a good time was had by all.

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